Your generosity is changing lives

Thank you for your generosity. It is because of your faithfulness that we are able to see lives transformed in Christ.

For assistance, call the church office at (805) 830-4610

Give this amount

Click to enter a custom amount

Mail Giving

Mail to: Church Forty Six Ten, Inc. 

162 N. Ventura Rd, Port Hueneme, CA 9304

Write your Check and make check payable to: Forty Six Ten, Inc. 


Text Giving
Simply text the word "GIVE" to (855) 702-0807

Complete giving information and credit/debit card details. Once complete, the information is securely saved for future gifts.

You can easily give at any time by texting a simple number (ex. 250) and hitting send!

Mobile Giving

First , get the app.

Then, search for your church.

Once you've found us, simply click "Give" to start.